IAU skriver på deres hjemmeside :
Cancellation of the 27th 100km IAU World Championships in Jeju Island, South KoreaIt is with deepest regrets we announce that the 27th 100km IAU World Championships has been cancelled in Jeju Island, South Korea.
The event originally planned for the weekend of Oct 12th has been cancelled by the Local Organizing Committee. Due to unforseen financial problems and withdrawl of sponsorships, the race has been cancelled by the LOC, and the IAU have been informed.
I 2011 skete det samme for VM 24 Timer i Brugg. Arr. kunne ikke stille den nødvendige økonomiske garanti med hjælp fra sponsorer, og Brugg blev derfor nødt til at trække deres værtsskab, hvilket betød, at VM ikke blev afholdt det år. Det lykkedes ikke for IAU at finde en ny arr.
Hvad koster det at afholde VM? Jeg ved det ikke, men denne korrespondance på Facebook løfter lidt af sløret:
Justin Scholz: Nadeem, can you disclose the approximate cost of staging these championships - ie the backing funds that the host event needs to secure in order for the event to go ahead?
Bokjin Park: Justin Scholz... KUMF ( Korea Ultra Marathon Federation ) estimates US$350,000.- and this was asked to the sponsor. This is what I was understood , Justin. Hope it helps. It may differ from the actual depending on the organizer. Thanks BJ Park, IAU Asia Representative.
Nadeem Khan: Thanks BJ... The costs and breakdown can be retrieved from Jan as well and will be pertinent to the championships this year.
Cancellation of the 27th 100km IAU World Championships in Jeju Island, South KoreaIt is with deepest regrets we announce that the 27th 100km IAU World Championships has been cancelled in Jeju Island, South Korea.
The event originally planned for the weekend of Oct 12th has been cancelled by the Local Organizing Committee. Due to unforseen financial problems and withdrawl of sponsorships, the race has been cancelled by the LOC, and the IAU have been informed.
I 2011 skete det samme for VM 24 Timer i Brugg. Arr. kunne ikke stille den nødvendige økonomiske garanti med hjælp fra sponsorer, og Brugg blev derfor nødt til at trække deres værtsskab, hvilket betød, at VM ikke blev afholdt det år. Det lykkedes ikke for IAU at finde en ny arr.
Hvad koster det at afholde VM? Jeg ved det ikke, men denne korrespondance på Facebook løfter lidt af sløret:
Justin Scholz: Nadeem, can you disclose the approximate cost of staging these championships - ie the backing funds that the host event needs to secure in order for the event to go ahead?
Bokjin Park: Justin Scholz... KUMF ( Korea Ultra Marathon Federation ) estimates US$350,000.- and this was asked to the sponsor. This is what I was understood , Justin. Hope it helps. It may differ from the actual depending on the organizer. Thanks BJ Park, IAU Asia Representative.
Nadeem Khan: Thanks BJ... The costs and breakdown can be retrieved from Jan as well and will be pertinent to the championships this year.
Indtil videre kan det danske landshold koncentrere sig om EM, der afholdes d. 27. april i Belves, Frankrig. Holdet er, efter mine oplysninger, endnu ikke udtaget. Charley Prødel har trukket sig som holdkoordinator, og jeg går derfor ud fra, at udtagelsen ligger hos Morten Pilgaard, med mindre en anden løber har meldt sig.
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